Project Description

NOVEMBER 2-3, 2019

Occlusion 201

Diagnosis & Treatment Planning


Course Details

NOVEMBER 2-3, 2019

In collaboration with Dr. JAY HARRIS LEVY, DDS

Occlusion 201
Diagnosis & Treatment Planning

LOCATION: Portland, OR

Malocclusion and obstructive sleep apnea often share common origins and the treatment for one influences the other.

Occlusion of teeth occurs in the midst of what can become a maelstrom of muscular activity that the combined functional demands of mastication, respiration, swallowing, posture, speech, vision and facial expression place on the muscles of the head, neck and orofacial complex. Malocclusion, collapsed facial form, obstructive sleep apnea and central nervous system disorders can wreak havoc on a delicately balanced suite of interconnected sensory and motor systems.

In order for dentists to optimize and harmonize dentistry with essential life functions they must develop a working understanding of how these physiologic systems work and interact.

More details to the course TBA.

More Upcoming Courses

Occlusion 301
​Stabilization of the Teeth, Joints and Airway

Airway Occlusion 401
Stabilization of Physiologic Systems

Occlusion 501
Comprehensive Prosthetic Restoration

This courses will prepare you for a smooth transition into advanced occlusion, underlying occlusion, such as: the mechanoreception of tooth contact, oromotor behaviors, sensory motor integration, the biomechanics of tooth-wear and occlusion, the arthrokinematics of the TMJs and AOJs, the function of the dentin pulp complex, occlusal stability and clinical applications such as occlusal splint treatment, airway problems and prosthetic rehabilitation.

The seminars are designed to deliver a thorough and unified understanding of physiologic systems that regulate occlusion of the teeth and related activities within the orofacial region. All seminars will blend deep scientific discussions with comprehensive treatment approaches.

LOCATION: Portland, OR